Metadata Specification

Album metadata is provided as a nested dict that contains information for the album, its tracks, and the player.

A simple example follows:

album = {
    "artist": "Sluggy Puppernutters",
    "title": "Self-Titled Album",

    "artist_url": "https://sluggy.example",
    "album_url": "https://sluggy.example/album/self-titled",

    "artwork": {
        "1x": "album-art-thumb.jpg",
        "2x": "album-art-hidpi.jpg",
        "fullsize": "album-art-fullsize.jpg"

    "tracks": [
            "title": "Hit Single",
            "filename": "hit single.mp3",
            "artwork": {
                "1x": "hit-single-thumb.jpg"
            "explicit": True,
            "duration": 273
            "title": "We Hate Our Hit Single",
            "filename": "something else.mp3",
            "explicit": True,
            "duration": 273,
            "lyrics": [
                "Here is a stanza",
                "And another stanza",
                "And this is the second verse",
                "It's the first but worse"
            "about": "Here's a cat.\n\n![]("
            "title": "You'll have to buy the album to hear this one",
            "duration": 3600
    "theme": {
        "foreground": "white",
        "background": "black",
        "highlight": "yellow",
        "hide_footer": False,
        "user_css": "fancypants.css",
        "footer_text": "Custom footer text"


The top-level dict contains the following data:

  • artist: The recording artist’s name

  • title: The title of the album

  • artist_url: The recording artist’s homepage/website

  • album_url: The canonical web address for this album

  • artwork: The album-level artwork data

  • tracks: The individual tracks of this album

  • theme: Visual theme settings


Track data is a list of dict of the following data for each track:

  • title: The title of the track

  • filename: The preview audio file (optional)

  • artwork: Track-level artwork data

  • explicit: Whether this track contains explicit lyrics

  • duration: The length of the track (in seconds)

  • lyrics: The lyrics of the song, either as a big newline-separated string or as a list of strings (one per line).

  • about: The extended information of the track, either as a newline-separated string or as a list of strings (one per line). This text may be formatted with markdown.


The visual theme settings are as follows:

  • foreground: Foreground text color

  • background: Background color

  • highlight: Highlight text color

  • hide_footer: Whether to hide the “Made with” footer

  • user_css: User CSS file to include, for deeper visual customization

  • footer_text: Custom HTML to override the “Made with” footer


Artwork data can be attached to an album and/or its tracks. It is a :py:class`dict` with the following keys:

  • 1x: The normal-DPI rendition of the thumbnail

  • 2x: The high-DPI rendition of the thumbnail

  • fullsize: The fullsize rendition of the artwork